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Android Native - 4.x to 5.x Migration


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There were various updates to our API in this release, in order to best support the Amazon Store and to maintain parity with our iOS SDK, which recently migrated from ObjC to Swift.

Version Requirements

  • purchases-android now requires Java 8

Type Changes

  • PurchaserInfo has been deprecated and renamed to CustomerInfo. This rename also affects to all functions that had PurchaserInfo in their name, like getPurchaserInfo which has been renamed to getCustomerInfo.
  • ReceiveOfferingsListener and PurchasesErrorListener have been renamed to ReceiveOfferingsCallback and PurchasesErrorCallback
  • Package.product has been changed from being a SkuDetails to StoreProduct.
Old type nameNew type name

Deprecated + New APIs

Configuring the SDK

The configure function has been changed to accept a PurchasesConfiguration.Builder. The previous function is deprecated. The new function can be used like this:

Purchases.configure(PurchasesConfiguration.Builder(this, <public_google_sdk_key>).build())

Or for Amazon:

Purchases.configure(AmazonConfiguration.Builder(this, <public_amazon_sdk_key>).build())

Making purchases

purchasePackage and purchaseProduct callbacks have been changed to return a StoreTransaction instead of a Purchase in the onCompleted.

This means that MakePurchaseListener has been deprecated in favor of PurchaseCallback. There is a helper extension function MakePurchaseListener.toPurchaseCallback() that can help migrate. For purchasing functions that accept an UpgradeInfo, ProductChangeListener has been deprecated in favor of ProductChangeCallback.

Similarly, you can use ProductChangeListener.toProductChangeCallback() and MakePurchaseListener.toProductChangeCallback() in Kotlin for an easy migration. Due to the same change, Kotlin helper purchaseProductWith now accepts a StoreProduct instead of aSkuDetails

Getting products

getSubscriptionSkus and getNonSubscriptionSkus callbacks has been changed to return StoreProduct objects instead of SkuDetails.

This means that GetSkusResponseListener has been deprecated in favor of GetStoreProductsCallback. You can use GetSkusResponseListener.toGetStoreProductsCallback() in Kotlin for an easy migration.

For the same reasons, getSubscriptionSkusWith and getNonSubscriptionSkusWith now receive storeProducts instead of skus.

Deprecated APIs

configure(Context, String, String?, Boolean, ExecutorService)configure(PurchasesConfiguration)
purchaseProduct(Activity, SkuDetails, MakePurchaseListener)purchaseProduct(Activity, StoreProduct, PurchaseCallback)
purchaseProduct(Activity, SkuDetails, UpgradeInfo, ProductChangeListener)purchaseProduct(Activity, StoreProduct, UpgradeInfo, ProductChangeCallback)
purchasePackage(Activity, Package, MakePurchaseListener)purchasePackage(Activity, Package, PurchaseCallback)
purchasePackage(Activity, Package, UpgradeInfo, ProductChangeListener)purchasePackage(Activity, Package, UpgradeInfo, ProductChangeCallback)
getSubscriptionSkus(List<String>, GetSkusResponseListener)getSubscriptionSkus(List<String>, GetStoreProductsCallback)
getNonSubscriptionSkus(List<String>, GetSkusResponseListener)getNonSubscriptionSkus(List<String>, GetStoreProductsCallback)

Kotlin Helpers Changes

Old signatureNew signature
getPurchaserInfoWith((PurchasesError) -> Unit, (PurchaserInfo) -> Unit)getCustomerInfoWith((PurchasesError) -> Unit, (CustomerInfo) -> Unit)
purchasePackageWith(Activity, Package, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (Purchase, PurchaserInfo) -> Unit)purchasePackage(Activity, Package, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (StoreTransaction, CustomerInfo) -> Unit)
purchasePackageWith(Activity, Package, UpgradeInfo, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (Purchase, PurchaserInfo) -> Unit)purchasePackage(Activity, Package, UpgradeInfo, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (StoreTransaction, CustomerInfo) -> Unit)
purchaseProductWith(Activity, SkuDetails, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (Purchase, PurchaserInfo) -> Unit)purchaseProductWith(Activity, StoreProduct, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (StoreTransaction, CustomerInfo) -> Unit)
purchaseProductWith(Activity, SkuDetails, UpgradeInfo, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (Purchase, PurchaserInfo) -> Unit)purchaseProductWith(Activity, StoreProduct, UpgradeInfo, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (StoreTransaction, CustomerInfo) -> Unit)

Removed APIs

Some deprecated functions have been removed: identify, reset, createAlias, isBillingSupported, isFeatureSupported, addAttributionData and the versions of purchaseProduct/purchasePackage accepting UpgradeInfo and MakePurchaseListener

For more information about recommended identity logic following the removal of these identification methods, see Identifying Users.

Removed APIs
purchaseProduct(Activity, SkuDetails, UpgradeInfo, MakePurchaseListener)
purchasePackage(Activity, Package, UpgradeInfo, MakePurchaseListener)
createAlias(String, ReceivePurchaserInfoListener?)
identify(String, ReceivePurchaserInfoListener?)
createAliasWith(String, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (PurchaserInfo) -> Unit)
identifyWith(String, (PurchasesError) -> Unit, (PurchaserInfo) -> Unit)
resetWith((PurchasesError) -> Unit, (PurchaserInfo) -> Unit)
isBillingSupported(Context, Callback<Boolean>)
isFeatureSupported(BillingClient.FeatureType, Context, Callback<Boolean>)
addAttributionData(JSONObject, AttributionNetwork, String?)
addAttributionData(Map<String, Any?>, AttributionNetwork, String?)

Other changes

Reporting undocumented issues

Feel free to file an issue! New RevenueCat Issue.