Send in-app purchase events to Adjust
Using our prebuilt integration you can sync in-app subscription events like trial starts, subscriptions, and cancelations from iOS and Android to Adjust in minutes.
Use the Adjust integration to:
Improve precision
Accurately track subscriptions generated from Adjust campaigns.
Get more accurate data
Get trial conversion and renewal data even without an app open.
Understand the longtail
Track campaign performance over the entire lifetime of a cohort.
Send campaign data to RevenueCat
Using Subscriber Attributes, you can attach data to users which can be used in Charts or send to other downstream analytics integration and available via APIs and webhooks.
Which media source the campaign was served from
The campaign the user came from
The ad group the user came from
Identify the paid keywords
Use to differentiate ads
Resources Related to Adjust
Content to help you make the most of this RevenueCat Integration.
How PhotoRoom Uncovered Acquisition Opportunities in South Asia
How PhotoRoom chose to leverage RevenueCat’s integration with Adjust to ensure they were getting the full picture on their advertising investment.
Easily integrate with best-in-class tools
View all integrationsWant to see how RevenueCat can help?
“RevenueCat enables us to have one single source of truth for subscriptions and revenue data.”